What is embedded lending – and how does it promise to broaden financial inclusion for people in developing markets? Discover how the growing digital footprint of MSME entrepreneurs may be the key to expanding financial access.

We started Rubyx to help lenders focus on what can make the most difference, for the most people, as profitably as possible. And it works. Advans followed up a successful pilot with loan disbursement to 15K people in 5 countries. We’ve partnered with CGAP to deploy our solutions in 5 MFIs around the world. And that’s just the beginning.

For informal MSME (micro, small and medium enterprise) entrepreneurs in the developing world, microfinance loans with 12-month terms can help them launch businesses, buy stock, refurbish their shops and pay their employees. But what if smaller nano loans could help them do a whole lot more?

To build a new lending model that’s healthier, more sustainable and more inclusive, it may help banks and MFIs to stop worrying about their digital transformation and look more closely at how their customers are transforming – in many cases, thanks to digital platforms.